
Breast Augmentation

Quick facts

How long is the the surgery?
1 ½ hours.

General or local anesthesia?
General anesthesia.

When can I go home?
The same day as the surgery.

When can I go back to work?
Plan for 1-2 weeks before returning to work depending on the placement of the implant.

When can I exercise?
I ask my patients to avoid any activities that will cause the implants to move for a full 4 weeks after surgery.

There is minimal pain if the implant is placed over the muscle, and more moderate pain if the implant is placed under the muscle.

How long do the results last?
Implants don’t necessarily last forever. There is a chance that you will need another surgery during your lifetime to maintain your implants. I partner with my patients for the long term, to make sure their implants maintain a natural, balanced appearance and evolve with them throughout every stage of their lives.


Dr. Sandra is the best. She has knowledge, compassion, understands what your looking for. Kind, considerate, explains everything. there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe her 100%. You have to met and interact with her and you will know exactly what I am talking about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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